Putting It All Together! Student Blogging Challenge Week 9

A pet I wish I had is a Teacup Yorkshire Terrier or Yorkie. They are hypoallergenic dogs and are super small. Their faces are so adorable! These dogs are commonly used in dog shows. You can let their hair grow out to touch the floor or have it shortened. Some owners that let their Yorkie have long hair have said that they give Rapunzel a run for her money! These dogs do not shed so their owners need to keep their hair in check. Yorkies’ hair can grow up to 2 feet long! That’s a lot of hair! Weavers first brought them to England in the mid 1800s and started appearing in dog shows in 1861. It is actually said that the first therapy dog was a Yorkie. Yorkies also have a special feature to them called pharyngeal gag reflex. This is also known as reverse sneezing. Instead of blowing air in, they suck the air up and make a noise similar to a honk of a goose.

Josch13 / Pixabay

Pezibear / Pixabay


11 thoughts on “Putting It All Together! Student Blogging Challenge Week 9

    1. Dear Kimberly,
      Another dog I like is a Pomeranian because those are super cute! Thank you for asking.
      – Sophia

  1. hi, i also like dogs. I have a dog, she is a border-coli mix lab. her name is phoebe, she is 4 years old. I also want a small dog. My neighbor has a Yorkie. check out my blog!!

    1. Dear Nico,
      That’s super cool! You are so lucky. Phoebe is a very cute name for a puppy!
      – Sophia

    1. Dear Bristol,
      Hypoallergenic means that people who are allergic to dogs are not going to react to the dog. Dogs have something special that can cause people to have allergic reactions. (I don’t know what it is though) I would probably want one Yorkie with short hair and one with long hair. I would most likely have hundreds if I could because they are so cute.

  2. Hi Sophia,
    You do know a lot about the Teacup Yorkshire Terrier or Yorkie. I’ve had dogs in the past but they were all … well, huge (St. Bernard and German Shepherds), when compared to this particular breed.
    You say you would like to have a pet, namely a dog. Any particular reason why you don’t have one yet?
    Best wishes from Portugal,
    Teacher Alex

    1. Hi Mrs.Duarte!
      I don’t have a dog because of my family situation at the moment. My family and I also agreed that, because of my schedule, I cannot have one and there is no time to take care of one. Thank you for asking!
      – Sophia

    1. Hi Rafael!
      Really do enjoy chicks, hamsters, bunnies, and many other animals. Thank you so much for reading my post!
      – Sophia

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